Water and sewer tariffs in Morocco follow an increasing-block tariff structure, under which the tariff per cubic meter rises as consumption increases.
This means that tariffs on imports from Rumania beginning July 3 would rise about tenfold and that the number of imports would probably decline.
But the taxes and tariffs would rise, and then, so would disobedience, and that would make the Mirror Lancers and Foot more arrogant..." Triendar laughed softly.
As a result, tariffs on German toys rose from 35 percent to 70 percent.
After agreeing on request by the Kinsella family and due to the public outrage surrounding the case, Justice Secretary Jack Straw announced the minimum tariff for murders committed with a knife will rise from 15 to 25 years.
Under that plan, the monthly tariff for some will rise $150 to $200 on Oct. 16 and an equal amount in February.
The products include everything from blouses and underwear to shirts and knitted suits, and the tariffs will generally rise to the equivalent of 12 cents a piece from about 2.5 cents now.
If trade preferences are withdrawn, Mr. Baucus says, average tariffs on Chinese goods would rise from 8 percent to 40 percent.
Once minivans are mislabeled as trucks, tariffs would automatically rise from 2.5 percent to a whopping 25 percent.
Contrary to the first Reims agreement, tariffs for cross-border post will rise without there being a commensurate improvement in the provision of services.