From all the applause and shouting, no one would have guessed he had a tarnished reputation.
Needless to say his work did little to the already long time tarnished reputation of the Africa.
After the war, he worked for almost 25 years to restore his tarnished reputation and was finally restored to the army's roll.
Today, he has no job, little money and a tarnished reputation.
One is coming home with gold, the other with a tarnished reputation.
For the last several months, because of its tarnished reputation, the ship had been receiving fewer requests on and many more off.
The debate will continue, however, over how to salvage the tarnished reputation of college sports.
But it's not, in part because it owns a tobacco company with a tarnished reputation, under constant attack.
All those involved in football need to work together to defend the sport's tarnished reputation.
The verdict will do little for Malaysia's tarnished reputation overseas.