The aged weaver-woman, Taran soon learned, had not only a tart tongue but a keen eye.
But she bit her tart tongue and voiced the one topic designed to capture his attention.
With his mane of white hair, piercing blue eyes, frayed eyebrows and tart tongue, he is a formidable presence in the classroom.
With the pernicious myopia of the devout he didn't seem to mind her tart tongue.
He liked her defiance and her tart tongue.
With a tart tongue and none of the attributes my cousin favors.
The Prince's tart tongue is at its best here.
Others insist Miss Quinn's service to opera fans makes up for her tart tongue.
Yet Mr. Tyson has also shown that he will stake out his positions with a tart tongue when necessary.
Both are known for their tart tongues and their skill in debate.