It will be necessary for us to continue our task assignment independently for an indefinite period.
Additionally, collaborative software may support project management functions, such as task assignments, time-management with deadlines and shared calendars.
Here all threads of the Venus control web came together; from this point the task assignments of the mutants were administered.
His last precaution referred to a special task assignment for Wilkie, Graham, Scheer, and Downer.
The project manager needs to communicate project plans and to distribute task assignments to team members.
The flaw in the logic, he saw, was that after launch, the Lancer crew could do whatever they liked about task assignments.
Intra-team processes (e.g., task design, task assignment) are sufficient for effective utilization of these team-specific resources.
Some other techniques that have been used in behavior therapy are contingency contracting, response costs, token economies, biofeedback, and using shaping and grading task assignments.
Shaping and graded task assignments are used when behavior that needs to be learned is complex.
Shaping and graded task assignments has been used in dealing with suicide and depressed or inhibited individuals.