ASN.1 defines various algorithms to accomplish that task, called Encoding rules.
These processors allow the computer to simultaneously process multiple tasks, called threads, allowing the use of more complex graphics, artificial intelligence and in-game physics.
Wind provides Jonathan and Charlotte new skills and equipment that once belonged to him if they perform certain tasks called "quests".
The spacecraft has been assigned a new task, called Stardust-NExT.
(c) If the robot is touching something yellow, then switch to the task called "go home."
Day 63 The Halfway Housemates have a task called Jack in a box to win a place in the main house.
In order to win immunity from the first public vote all the celebrities took part in a task called "Beat the Bugs".
The primary tasks of the priest (or shaman), also called daba, are to perform exorcisms and assist deceased spirits.
Processes may be required to segment text into segments besides mentioned, including morphemes (a task usually called morphological analysis) or paragraphs.
The winner of a competition is allowed to think out some kind of unpleasant task called Bestrafung (Punishment) the loser has to perform.