Any other tasks entrusted to it by the General Assembly.
The task of building the car was entrusted to Bob Blake - described by his contemporaries as "An Artist in Metal".
Withen found that particular task rather tedious - and Vanyel hoped now he'd entrusted it to Mekeal.
The first task entrusted to him by the party leads Ulysses to the printer Fossati, where he's hired as an apprentice.
Next day he returned in triumph to Oxford, having completed the arduous task entrusted to him with a loss of only eleven men killed and forty or fifty wounded.
There was no way he could hope to pursue the task entrusted to him without risking almost immediate arrest.
While at Jerusalem, he utterly forgot the task entrusted to him and started on his return journey.
The national offices must be equipped with adequate human, material and financial resources in order to effectively perform the tasks entrusted to them.
On account of its diverse expertise it is able to lend the Agency unique support for the tasks entrusted to it by the Euratom Treaty.
It is based on improving the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products, both internal and external, a task entrusted to the Commission at the Luxembourg Summit.