The use of good task lighting (especially low-temperature lamps which can be placed at very close range) is often beneficial.
These benches usually have sources of power built in, along with shelves and task lighting.
To light a room adequately and also maintain creative control, start by installing task lighting, the brightest category.
The most convenient height for task lighting is about 15 inches above the work surface.
Increased use of natural and task lighting has been shown by one study to increase productivity in schools and offices.
Some of these pupils will be helped by attention to task lighting and to a suitable position in which to work and view demonstrations.
Therefore, it can be argued that the most important purpose of task lighting in the office is not increasing illuminance, but improving contrast.
Lighting of larger areas is beyond the scope of task lighting.
This is why high rises favor higher voltage lighting for general task lighting.
You will also need some sort of task lighting for the serving area, if you have one.