The flip side of Docas's simple approach is that occasionally the offerings taste bland.
Tasted so bland that Alvin like to gagged on it.
We drank our drinks happily; I thought my tomato juice tasted rather bland but Michael said his was pretty good.
Food tastes bland when you cannot smell because most of what people call taste or flavor is really odor.
Things that taste a little bland need some snap.
But even on their own terms they tasted bland or subdued, even my once-beloved Shiner.
Before this stage, cheeses that need ripening usually taste bland and rubbery.
They look all right but taste bland and the filling turns to runny brown jam once warmed up.
The rich food tasted bland and rolled in her mouth like a rock until she forced herself to swallow.
Pure and unblemished souls must taste very bland, with an aftertaste of bitterness.