All the tastefully appointed bedrooms have private facilities.
The 290 rooms are tastefully appointed and the corridors wide and elegant.
But now they were tightly closed and shuttered, throwing the tastefully appointed space into heavy gloom.
They stepped into the tastefully appointed corridor, and it felt wonderful to get out of his cage, although he dared not say so.
Its rooms are tastefully appointed, and all face the Gulf and have private balconies.
I knew some people who thought he slept there in a coffin, but it was really just a tastefully appointed study.
She motioned toward her small but tastefully appointed cabin, standard issue, as if she hadn't really moved in yet.
The Brown's lobby is elegant and understated; rooms are tastefully appointed with reproduction period furniture.
It is tastefully appointed with many fine antiques and select paintings.
This quality hotel has a piano bar, and the bedrooms are tastefully appointed.