The red wine had not made the bread soggy, and we chewed our way through every tasty bit.
"Danny, that is a truly tasty bit of work."
"Here's a tasty bit still to be tried" he slobbered between several thunderous belches.
It also knew the growing frustration of having come so far and finding not the tasty bits that had somehow beckoned.
We were left digging among the bones for the final tasty bits.
Feel free to use whatever tasty bits you find in the fridge.
"Whatever happened to that tasty bit of steam you used to tramp with?"
Like the candidates, the book is sprinkled with tasty bits of chocolate around the edges.
Sturridge was a tasty bit of icing on the cake for us last season, but he wasn't the difference between safety and struggle.
Zahag made sure to gulp down particularly tasty bits before he brought the remainder to be divided.