Men representing her family sat on a wooden bench facing members of the patriarch's family, ensconced in tattered chairs.
As the color began to return to McCoy's squarish features, Uhura moved to her tattered chair and passed her large hands over the controls.
Barrett sat in a tattered chair by the window, long legs stretched out before him.
Workers sit for half-hour sessions in reclining chairs, which look like a poor man's version of first-class airplane seats, spacious but a bit tattered.
Uhura glanced around with sudden understanding, seeing a faint greenish mist coming out from the circuitry at the base of the tattered chair.
A tattered easy chair sat to the right of the sofa, and books lay piled up on shelves all around the room.
Omeso's house was splendid enough on the outside, but the interior was furnished with tattered, broken-down chairs and tables that would have shamed a pauper.
Some of Old Downtown's elite sprawled about the tattered chairs and piles of rags.
Herewiss considered the woman stretched out in the old tattered chair.
He sat on a tattered high-backed chair.