There was a big moon floating over the water, but roiling dark tattered clouds kept sliding in front of it.
There was a quarter moon, mostly hidden behind banks of tattered cloud.
The dawn sky, however, was still covered with tattered grey cloud, although there was a broad band of pale yellow off to the east.
Already the sun was poking through the tattered clouds.
The moon scudded through tattered gray clouds high overhead.
The sky was tattered clouds and fluttery winds that would not support heavy Destiny birds.
He frowned at the sky and its tattered clouds, perhaps wondering why the rain had to come when it did.
The storm blew itself out toward evening; through tattered clouds, the sun gave an apologetic peep at the world.
Overhead, Selune was scudding amid a few tattered gray clouds.
In the sky a few scattered, tattered clouds still flew across the valley, the rearguard of the storm.