After the forum, the Saudis plan to fan out across the country in an effort to mend fences and repair their country's tattered image here.
With a group of sheepish All-Star players trying to patch their tattered public image, the state of the union was at issue.
His closest associates, however, have seized upon his death as an opportunity to rehabilitate his tattered image and rewrite the recent history of Chile.
The town's biggest problem, he said, is its tattered image.
He touched the other man's mind and found Naotalba's tattered image wrapped in storm clouds.
But she does not seem especially interested in tending to the bar's tattered image.
The NFL's all-star game has a tattered image.
It is unclear whether Mr. Ovitz can be successful in mending his tattered image.
Rare but sensational crimes have a way of dogging Detroit, where residents worry openly and often about the city's tattered national image.
A tattered image of the Virgin Mary is glued to the altimeter.