His experience with Schneider confirmed this; there were things, attitudes, which must needs be taught directly.
Many educational psychologists, as well as more traditionally minded educators, believe that skills like "critical thinking" cannot be taught directly.
Ignatius's experience at Manresa of being directly taught by God was not something they believed was reserved exclusively to him.
Reading and writing are taught directly in the L2/FL, without any reference to translation.
Overall, children who are directly taught phonics are better at reading, spelling and comprehension.
She was also responsible for the training of 6,000 other women who were taught directly by her former students.
The Qutb knowledge is not taught via prophet but rather directly from the divine.
Therefore, along with divine revelation the sunnah was directly taught by God.
In Reading Workshops, skills are directly taught to students during interactive read alouds.
Skills are directly taught through the teacher modeling how to write a sentence, then a paragraph, a finally a whole paper.