The technique is taught via private and group instruction by a TM teacher trained to instruct students and provide follow up.
From 2001 the techniques were taught via a multimedia presentation made by Rawat.
As of 2001 the techniques are taught via a multimedia presentation made by Prem Rawat.
Teach pendant: Robot positions can be taught via a teach pendant.
Children were taught exclusively via oral methods, forcing them to learn to lipread and speak, with punishments being given for use of sign language.
Whenever possible, children are taught via their interests and via hands on projects.
The Qutb knowledge is not taught via prophet but rather directly from the divine.
If we keep underfunding schools, eventually all children will be taught via classes on the Internet.
With reference to this study, employers note that graduating students need to build skills in "professionalism" - which can be taught via experiential learning.
Indian music is traditionally taught via oral methods and, until the 20th century, did not employ notations as the primary media of instruction, understanding, or transmission.