It was a taut wire, about as thick as his finger, but almost completely translucent.
"Is there some news9" Father Tom whispered, his voice as taut as a guy wire.
The muscles in his neck stood out like taut wires.
He saw the taut wire - and the explosives.
"We can run a taut wire from it," Jack said, "like a tin-can telephone."
The technique works by passing a network of taut wires, connected to the frame, through the bone itself.
The perimeter surveillance system includes taut wire and microwave detection systems.
The little car slid smoothly, swiftly along the taut wire, carrying its tall passenger through the air beneath it.
With the taut wire of the slicer, he cut off an inch-thick slab.
Her supple figure was tense and quivering as a taut wire under his hand.