My writing desk is a tankard-scoured tavern table that once saw service in an 18th-century inn.
No one other than ourselves was abroad at an hour when even the most dissolute revellers had either gone home or had succumbed to their potations under tavern tables.
It didn't help that Ms. Domingo has everyone sit unresponsively around the tavern tables like clumps of lint.
For sale was everything from Louis XV furniture and a George I walnut secretary bookcase to Chinese armorial porcelains and simple tavern tables.
It's a tavern table.
Across the tavern table, two old friends, a man and woman, blinked as the thread of the tale snapped and drifted away.
It's like being at a tavern table, under the spell of someone like the Dvorak presented here, beer-guzzler, dumpling-gobbler, cigar-puffer and all-round good fellow.
She let go of his hand and stepped up onto one of the rough-hewn tavern tables, calling out for silence in a clear voice.
While the people in Mount's paintings look stiff and doll-like, his deft rendering of material things like rustic wooden architecture, strewn hay or shot glasses on a tavern table is marvelous.
The 1720 tavern table - the one my father found in pieces in an old shop, covered with green paint, and got for a song - has also disappeared.