"These abuses," he said, "help foster the mistaken impression that easements are nothing more than a lucrative tax dodge for the well-to-do."
"Tortola Caribbean," a tax dodge, if you want my opinion, which is kind of stupid since he hasn't paid any taxes for over twenty-five years.
Marinas are watched, the immigration procedures are pretty thorough-those tax dodges you mentioned.
IF you assume that rich people, including the new you, can always find a tax dodge, the news is grim.
However, the tax dodge Saigh used soon came to light, as well as other questionable practices on his part.
He pronounced it a "tax dodge," but agreed to lead us there anyway.
For some tax dodges the number of audits would increase by more than a third; for others, the figure would be less.
Also last month, the state treasurer in California issued an order to ban the 19 companies that use the tax dodge from receiving state contracts.
The idea behind the foundation was as a tax dodge that he thought would allow his business executives to run his company forever.
Initially disparaged by some as a rich man's toy, or even a tax dodge, the museum became both popular and influential.