Indeed, it was said that whatever taxes Emperor Zhuangzong might have ordered exempted in his edicts, Kong disregarded the exemptions and collected the taxes anyway, such that the emperor's edicts lost credibility.
The tax on estates now exempts the first $1.5 million in assets, and even more for most farms.
Francis pointed out that the root of the problem is that the decision was based on analysis by federal officials who regard RRSPs and pensions as tax "exempts" even though they are merely deferral mechanisms.
Including that land in the reservation would exempt it from state and local taxes, zoning restrictions and other state jurisdiction.
The new 0/10 tax exempts all businesses except those in financial services from having to pay any corporation tax (0%), while leaving the financial services to pay a low tax rate (10%).
The tax so implemented distinguishes between different grades of coal (e.g., anthracite versus bituminous versus lignite) and exempts one of the grades from taxation.
Since the proposed tax (like the current tax) exempts single taxpayers making less than $25,000 a year and couples making under $32,000, only 22 percent of beneficiaries would pay.
"The tax exempts don't pay anything," Town Supervisor Paul J. Feiner said.
The treaties also allowed joint navigation on the Uruguay River and its tributaries, and tax exempted cattle and salted meat exports.