The latest periods included an after- tax gain of $1.9 million from the sale of two branches.
The results included a one-time tax gain of $2 million, or 2 cents a share.
Prior year results included an after- tax gain of $1,955,000, or 5 cents a share, on certain pension settlements.
In the first quarter of 1987, the company recorded a non-recurring after- tax gain of $29,364,000, or 30 cents a share.
As the Revenue only allow a 10% mark up the tax gains cannot exceed 1.5% of the turnover put through the company.
Excluding a one-time tax gain of $726 million, profit still doubled.
The prior year results include pre- tax gain of $10,836,760 from the sale of a subsidiary.
The latest 6 months included a pre- tax gain of $3,158,000 on the sale of land.
The improved earnings were largely a result of proceeds from asset sales and tax gains.
Profits were down slightly from the company's best-ever quarter a year earlier, which included a $132 million one-time tax gain.