T. Rowe Price has updated its tax guide, available free by calling (800) 541-8354.
Non-Profits and Charities Provides a general tax guide for nonprofits.
T. Rowe Price Associates is offering a free 40-page tax guide for investors (800 638-5660).
Lasser is one of the big names in tax preparation, and the software comes packaged with his annotated tax guide.
The table of contents appears twice, first by chapter, and second as tax guides for various groups - like homeowners, investors and senior citizens.
It is a companion to the firm's tax guide, which provides line-by-line instructions for filling out tax returns and which will be published later.
A tax guide is also available free from the Investment Company Institute, the trade group for the fund industry.
Given the increasing complexity of the tax code each year, it is no surprise that tax guides are proliferating.
Some tax guides take pages to review the changes.
Yet many of the examples and explanations reiterate what appears in the Government's official tax guide.