The tax on departing passengers, known as a passenger facility charge, would raise $200 million annually for the three airports.
By the fourteenth century the principal form of financial assistance was the direct tax known as a fifteenth and tenth.
They were first created from a tax, known as the devsirme.
The taxes on tobacco and alcohol, known as sin taxes, are not sufficient.
Non-Muslims would also have to pay a special tax known as jizya.
On top of all the misery the Zoroastrians had to pay a heavy religious tax known as Jizya.
The tax on the largest payrolls, also known as a competitive-balance tax, is one of two key economic issues.
Conversion was often required for those who could not pay a substantial tax known as the 'jizya'.
Before the French Revolution, the public revenue was based largely on taxes known as:
His tax, known as a property tax, worked better because it realised that efficient assessment and collection were more important than raised levels.