The tax load of those in the higher income brackets earning more than 30 times the minimum wage a month amounted to 26.3 per cent.
The tax load dipped and the budget surplus soared.
And mortgages have the obvious advantage of reducing your tax load.
Consider the tax loads of three different households, each with an annual taxable income of $60,000.
In the territory of the free economic zone there is a special legal treatment allowing to considerably reduce tax load.
The new assessments will not only shift tax loads between communities, he said, but also affect the relative values of individual properties within each district.
Their standard of living had been considerably reduced by a depression and by an increasing tax load.
"There's got to be a point," he said, "when the Mayor should reduce our bureaucracy rather than increase the tax load on everybody."
And the utility category is even more overburdened, with 2 percent of all property value but 5.6 percent of the tax load.
And going public would certainly reduce the tax load.