Democratic tax writers in the House are also having second thoughts about what they have wrought and the need for at least revising the proposals.
He left open the possibility that tax writers would drop their proposal if that was not possible.
These and other possibilities were being discussed by tax writers from both chambers in a late-night session.
Congressional tax writers themselves do not stick around for April 15.
Such announcements by Congressional tax writers have become commonplace in recent years.
Some Congressional tax writers want to make the reprieve permanent.
For example, no bubble would have been needed if the tax writers had been permitted to set the upper rate at 29.5 percent.
Congressional tax writers are quick to pounce on attempts to find shelter.
Consequently, tax writers will need to turn to some of the more controversial proposals in order to reach their revenue targets.
He said he had simply insisted on the ceiling and let the tax writers work out which provisions would be included.