The campaign has begun running a commercial on the governor's tax-cutting policies, which his advisers said was popular in focus groups of New Hampshire voters.
Thanks to its continuous tax-cutting policies, Lucerne has become Switzerland's most business-friendly canton.
More than almost any other issue in economics, the question of whether sweeping tax-cutting policies can succeed in promoting healthier economic growth without risking fiscal disaster divides into camps of true believers and fervent foes.
He has said relatively little about Mr. Bush's tax-cutting policies but has voiced strong views about the economy and the conduct of monetary policy.
A new Cato report issued this year again commended Mr. Cuomo for his "supply-side" tax-cutting policies, but added that "he seemingly never met a spending program he didn't like."
Some Republican strategists said the disagreements over the composition of his economic team masked Mr. Bush's clear embrace of "pro-growth" tax-cutting policies, to use the term preferred by supply siders.
The choice, according to such critics, has been either to increase taxes to cover the public spending for the services - which was contrary to the government's tax-cutting policies - or to reduce the scale of state provision of welfare.
Here in New Jersey, like so many other governors, I was told my tax-cutting policies were a gimmick.
The president's supporters argue that his tax-cutting policies have stabilized uncertain markets, freeing capital for new investments and setting the stage for the next bull market.
By being specific, Mr. Bradley argues, Mr. Reagan could claim a mandate for his budget and tax-cutting policies when he won, helping to soften opposition in Congress.