Otherwise, they will have two taxable distributions in 1993, and possibly an excess distribution penalty.
Instead, required minimum distributions force you to withdraw at least some of the funds as taxable distributions during your lifetime.
Some advisers counsel the outright sale of certain funds that are about to make taxable distributions.
More information about taxable distributions received from cooperatives is available at IRS.gov.
Beneficiaries of a traditional IRA must include in their gross income any taxable distributions they receive.
He aims to minimize taxable distributions that can result from frequent trading by offsetting gains with losses.
Trust tax returns must be filed for any account that receives more than $100 in taxable distributions a year.
Now if people borrow on the cash buildup, it will be treated as a taxable distribution.
The second problem arises for investors who receive more than $400 of gross taxable distributions and ordinary dividends.
That is because most mutual funds do not pay taxes themselves, but instead pass taxable distributions from companies in foreign countries to their shareowners.