In biological classification, rank is the level in a taxonomic hierarchy.
They came up with a taxonomic hierarchy: phyla, class, order, sub-orders, genus (or genera) and species.
They continued to describe how these organisms, flora or fauna, belonging to each of these categories can be arranged into a complex taxonomic hierarchy.
In the taxonomic hierarchy, all bumble bees belong to the genus Bombus within the family Apidae.
The clade is not defined in the standard taxonomic hierarchy, but it is between superfamily and family.
The Catalogue of Life employs a simple data structure to provide information on synonymy, grouping within a taxonomic hierarchy, common names and distribution.
They also consist of arcs and nodes which can be organized into a taxonomic hierarchy.
Species and genus are usually defined as part of a larger taxonomic hierarchy.
Description The label associated with the specific level of a taxonomic hierarchy.
Since then the class was considered the highest level of the taxonomic hierarchy until the embranchements, now called Phyla (or divisions) were introduced in the nineteenth century.