In the former miller's dwelling, a tea parlour was set up after the restoration.
"You boys must have spent too much time in tea parlors," he said.
"Call and McCrae were unwise to bring you--they should have left you to the tea parlors."
"Why does he think we sit around in tea parlors?"
She recognized Drake as soon as he wandered into the tea parlor: old Drake's son, the crazy one, loaded.
Light fare like salads, soups and sandwiches is also served all day in the small tea parlor.
But while the latter correspond to every visitor's image of France, tea parlors tend to evoke England.
In February, a tea parlor with a garden will open on the ground floor.
As with every tourist site in Japan, souvenir shops, restaurants and tea parlors dominate the landscape.
Although dim sum is part of a southern Chinese breakfast, the starting point is jook, served at tea parlors from huge cauldrons on rolling carts.