When a tea-leaf reader tells her she will marry a man with a question mark on his forehead, Kay makes sure that the prophesy comes true.
And there is little additional insight to be had from the political tea-leaf readers.
This thing is pulling in every hedge wizard and tea-leaf reader with a smidge of ambition.
Political tea-leaf readers and stargazers sought scraps of meaning in the latest twist of events.
"And it's your table-tilting tea-leaf readers who'll infest my home?"
That is the way of the pyramidologists and the tea-leaf readers.
The clothier is gone, and the tea-leaf reader and prostitutes who worked upstairs have been replaced by construction crews.
We are no better than tea-leaf readers, Roark thought.
There's a dead word, along with Sovietologist ; what are we going to call the tea-leaf readers now?
The world may not be ready to accept the prognostications of this Andean tea-leaf reader.