He taught canon law and Scripture for twelve years at Dillingen, where he was still living in 1675.
He returned to Montrose, where again he taught Scripture.
He also taught Scripture in the little German school which the settlers had established.
He taught philosophy, theology (dogmatic and moral), and Sacred Scripture.
Mr. Bagaza had banned weekday church services and prohibited laymen from teaching Scripture, the church's main means of evangelizing.
After his return he taught Scripture to the monks and served in many other capacities, often of a practical nature that reflected his early training as an engineer.
"One of the biggest challenges I have is teaching Scripture to the non-Catholics," he added.
He mainly taught theology and Holy Scripture.
On his return to Canada, he taught Scripture at St Augustine's Seminary from 1960 to 1967.
He also taught Bible study and Scripture at Duke University and other places.