He established schools for boys and girls alike to teach them academics and a trade.
After receiving the proper credentials, Turner headed to the Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, where he taught academics in biology.
During her time there, the school taught academics, music, art, letter-writing, diction and manners to about 20 girls.
These are sometimes teaching academics who take on additional responsibilities.
As a teacher there, Randolph taught her students woodworking, sewing, cooking, and gardening, as well as academics.
Not only do they teach academics, but instill discipline, commitment and leadership in the young Americans who attend.
ACE class, Academic Career Education, where students are taught academics through functional skills.
Huo Endi hired a tutor named Chen Seng-ho from Japan to teach his son academics and moral values.
"We have become a social agency now as much as one that teaches academics," said Dr. Reginald Mayo, school superintendent.
The Institute teaches academics both in Israel and internationally through courses, seminars and tours.