They may teach older children or adolescents about avoiding injury or addiction to alcohol and tobacco.
A group of 539 volunteers has now completed tests for English-language specialists and generalists who teach early adolescents.
She also taught young children and adolescents in mental institutions and hospitals.
These 31 chapters represent a growing number of colleges and universities who are now preparing teachers to teach young adolescents in American's middle schools.
But the Government has been reluctant to teach adolescents about contraception.
Three years ago, she started a pizza factory near the center to teach adolescents at Serene about restaurant work.
This perspective teaches adolescents that boys are predators and that girls are victims of sexual victimization.
She taught English and reading in high schools for 13 years, and also taught adolescents with emotional disabilities at a psychiatric hospital.
He also developed, in conjunction with I.B.M., a computer-based system to help teach illiterate adults and adolescents to how to read and write.
This teaches adolescents more independence.