From time to time he taught hygiene to the pupils of some of the primary schools in the Bridgetown area.
Program will teach personal hygiene and sanitation procedures to reduce the disease rate and potentially increase the daily strength available for operations.
They go to the towns and teach hygiene.
The nuns work with local women and girls to develop handcrafts and teach hygiene, French language, and other skills.
Individuals with mental disabilities who require extensive supports are often taught basic self care skills such as dressing, eating, and hygiene.
You are apparently unaware that I also teach hygiene in this classroom.
After she graduated from high school Ahluwalia taught basic hygiene in small schools and neighborhoods.
The short film was a very straight-laced attempt to teach children good manners and hygiene.
Steps were taken to teach oral hygiene in schools following a plea by dentists to the government in 1905.
He taught legal medicine, toxicology and public hygiene.