He taught Arabic language, Islamic jurisprudence, logic, philosophy and the science of the Qur'an at the same university for several years.
Along with theology; mainly the Qur'an, the university taught jurisprudence, history, grammar, science and medicine.
Huffman teaches Constitutional law, jurisprudence, and natural resources and water law.
Two years later he began teaching sociological jurisprudence at the University of Petrograd.
In 1867, he was hired as a professor at Willamette University School of Medicine to teach medical jurisprudence.
He has taught Islamic law and jurisprudence there since 1985.
He teaches contracts, commercial law, political theory, and jurisprudence.
In addition, it was forbidden any longer to teach philosophy and jurisprudence in Athens.
He also teaches jurisprudence at undergraduate level.
At 23 years old, Unger began teaching jurisprudence, among other things, to first year students.