In 1952, he returned to Okinawa and started to teach karate, first to family members.
At that time there was still the intention to open the academies to teach karate.
He went on to teach karate there for almost 20 years in France before deciding to close his dojo in the mid-1980s.
He then began travelling around the world to teach karate.
He later moved to Matsuyama to teach karate.
In 1984, he began teaching karate under the organization, which had been founded by S. Ōyama.
The boy is taught karate from his dad, and the next time the boy gives the bully back the ball, he smiles.
"We try to teach karate as a form of stress management," he said.
Funakoshi had many students at the university clubs and outside dojos, who continued to teach karate after his death in 1957.
At that meeting he asked them if they planned to teach karate upon returning to the United States.