In 1967, she moved to Calcutta where she taught meditation to a wide range of students.
His responsibilities included attending inter-faith services, teaching meditation, and giving lectures on Buddhism.
Levine's son Noah initially rejected his father's work, then started to teach meditation on his own.
He has received many awards to compliment his work and is now retired but still teaching meditation and mindfulness.
He has taught meditation worldwide since around 1974.
Ten years later, she began to teach meditation throughout Europe and Australia.
Five of the volunteers taught meditation or yoga, but the rest held traditional jobs and reported meditating on average once a day for 40 minutes.
He is also interested in spirituality and teaches meditation.
He returned to the US 1981, and began teaching meditation in his home, and started a family in 1984.
Hey teaches meditation across the United States, and is certified in natural therapy.