I just wanted to teach meteorology.
During World War II he taught preflight and meteorology.
In 2007, Khan moved to Risalpur where he joined Pakistan Air Force Academy to teach meteorology.
He taught meteorology in Munich from 1861, becoming a professor in 1866.
Wills said he would be a vacation fill-in and may return to the University of Louisville to teach meteorology as he did for several years.
He was employed by Jacksonville University as an adjunct professor beginning in 1975, teaching meteorology through 1994.
He has been teaching introductory meteorology and climatology courses for 22 years.
From 1993 to 2000, Duncan taught meteorology, climatology, and climate change at the University of Windsor.
"We teach sunrise and sunset star sets, electronic navigation and meteorology."
He was taught the basics of Morse code, and meteorology, and he was the first agent sent to Ireland that carried the new microdot system.