The political impasse stalled Ministry of Education goals of replacing Zhuyin with pinyin to teach pronunciation in elementary school.
It taught punctuation and pronunciation, amongst other topics.
Teachers who have already taught pronunciation will appreciate its imaginative and practical approach.
It was used to teach children pronunciation of words and for simple text-to-speech uses, including narration and accessibility.
Now, I only teach pronunciation, with some vocabulary as questions come up.
Volunteer to teach them pronunciation and only pronunciation.
It should be explained that Mrs. Silcox does not undertake to teach pronunciation of the Greek and Latin tongues.
Unlike pinyin, the sole purpose for Zhuyin in elementary education is to teach standard Mandarin pronunciation to children.
For the most part it tries to teach people bad spelling, bad pronunciation and slang.
Meanwhile, a half-dozen or so students there struggle to teach themselves pronunciation and shades of meaning from books and tapes.