The museum hopes to use the computer's visual, dekatron-based memory to teach schoolchildren about computers.
Meanwhile, the usually peevish Terry beams with generosity while teaching schoolchildren in a disadvantaged neighborhood.
The centers teaches local schoolchildren about nature and the environment.
It set up a human-rights education fund for a curriculum to teach schoolchildren about "dignity, tolerance and respect."
Gendarmes have been teaching French schoolchildren for twenty years, and claim by teaching kids, they teach their parents as well.
One of the most romantic places in Philadelphia turns out to be a 47-year-old science exhibit intended to teach schoolchildren about the circulatory system.
Peggy taught primary schoolchildren at the Laboratory School adjacent to the main quadrangles for many years.
There is also a duplicate of the Pilgrim, which is used to teach schoolchildren about life at sea during the 19th century.
At most stops, Mr. Hill spends his mornings teaching schoolchildren about elephants.
The book was to teach schoolchildren how to proficiently use the Dutch postal service.