The manpower shortage is so severe that training units like the famous Black Horse Regiment, which specializes in teaching other units the ways of battle, are being sent into combat.
These lessons are scrupulously analyzed by music specialists, catalogued by work and by movement, then broken down into teaching units of no more than six minutes' duration.
The school is divided into teaching units called teams.
Schools who had the interest and expertise should be encouraged to make a reasonable investment of time in teaching such units in place of separate optional topics.
We have in this paper so far been much concerned with the systematic classroom development of teaching units, looking towards the publication of such units to a very wide audience.
Such training typically prepares officers with tactics and techniques they then teach units at home.
DCT artists-in-residence travel to local elementary and middle schools and teach hands-on, interdisciplinary units in an attempt to increase students' understanding of academic subjects.
Middle school has long provided a chance to teach in-depth units, before the demands of high school SAT's, AP's and college prep set in.
Additionally, some subjects teach selected units in English.
National law specifies that the teaching of the first cycle and the first year of the second cycle is obligated to teach the following disciplines or disciplinary units: