Why do parents and teachers allow the school years to be the living hell that they are for so many children?
How could the teachers have allowed themselves to react so emotionally to it?
One teacher doesn't allow anyone to wear hats in her classroom, and another used to make boys let girls go out of the door first.
In summer months, teachers usually allowed their students not to wear uniform if they so wished.
Our teacher brought in two copies of the magazine and allowed anyone who hadn't read it to borrow one.
At the age of 9, he began writing plays that the teachers would allow him to direct and the students to perform.
The best teachers take this factor into account and allow these children to set their own pace in some activities at least.
The teachers allowed the students to call them by their first names.
My teacher allows us students to take any of these pieces we want and throws out the rest.
Many children were also forced to drop out of school when teachers would not allow them to take exams.