The teacher arranges to pay his back rent; the butcher makes his confession to a priest who requests a cash contribution.
During the evenings the teachers arranged different activities.
Where possible, the clinical teacher arranges for the ward staff to allocate patient care to provide the best experience for the learner in this supervised role.
Within the constraints and limitations of the ward, the teacher can arrange and structure teaching to facilitate learning.
To find oneself in a set of conditions that a gifted teacher has arranged has another benefit.
At least twice a year the NMA students and teachers arrange cultural events that are open to the public.
The teacher arranges group discussion amongst the students and may request further modification of conjectures.
Instead, teachers will arrange to meet with parents before and after school.
To avoid embarrassment, the teachers arrange not to get as far as World War II by the end of the school year.
My teacher has arranged to obtain the regular high school lessons, and puts them on tape.