Although originally both students and teachers contributed to the publication, now it is an entirely student-driven organization.
All the teachers, staffs & the students contributed their joint effort to build up its new infrastructures.
One district also contributes an additional 4.2% of teacher salaries to cover a second pension and teachers contribute nothing.
All teachers can contribute even though they may not themselves be teaching the course.
Schools choose teachers to carry out a specific duty, to teach specific subjects and to contribute to the school at large.
In order to solve this problem, the teachers of the high school contributed money to prepare lunch for the students from the countryside.
There is a suspicion among educators, including some contest officials, that teachers or parents contribute too much, and children too little, to team success.
Typically, both district (or state) and teacher contribute to a pension plan while she works.
The archdiocese has demanded that the teachers for the first time contribute to their own health care package.
With a new evaluation system in place, the district thinks it can determine how much a teacher and a school have contributed to a student's performance.