The nine teachers, collectively known as Navnaths, are considered representative of great teachers in this tradition or parampara.
Mr. Talin was a popular teacher known for his ability to encourage the most hesitant of students.
One was by the teacher known as "Maestro Sevilla".
New York University's part-time teachers, known as adjuncts, voted to form a union, according to the results of a mail ballot announced yesterday.
Under new state regulations, teachers with temporary licenses, known as uncertified teachers, will not be allowed to work in the state's public schools after 2003.
He was highly competent teacher, known from his title, dub-zu-zu, or "one who knows the tablets."
Raju Sastri was famed as a teacher known for his simplicity, patience and compassion.
Early in the twelfth century there was at Würzburg an ecclesiastic and teacher known as David.
In the beginning they would learn from a private teacher known as a paidotribe.
The first teacher known from the archive is Peter Peters, mentioned in 1611.