This can be a disadvantage to a student who needs to look at more than one object while a teacher is lecturing.
The teacher is lecturing them, and for a lot of them, it doesn't mean anything.
Just look at how science was taught in the 1950's and 1960's, when teachers lectured from the front of the classroom.
That below on the hill had been the university where the teachers lectured to countless hundreds.
A teacher happily lectures a class mesmerized at the palpable truth of a halved heart.
He argues that teachers should lecture less and encourage students to take more responsibility for their own learning by designing and carrying out projects.
I was the kid in your high school algebra class who stared out the window while the teacher lectured on fractions.
Children get mixed messages when teachers lecture them on smoking, but parents light up at home.
Parents and teachers unaccustomed to such things are now lecturing their children not to talk to strangers or to play outside without adult supervision.
While the teachers lectured, he daydreamed about space travel and finding a dinosaur.