It is "embarrassing" he said, when his classmates and teachers mention the show or articles about himself.
He'd spoken fine until he was 5 or 6, when a teacher mentioned to his parents that he was starting to stutter.
How did the particular teacher mentioned above match up with this list? 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7?
She didn't realize her talent in painting until her teacher mentioned it.
They had both been in class when the teacher mentioned someone's birthday was coming soon.
Jeremy dreads that the teacher will mention his.
The teachers, it goes on to say, "may not mention contraception except to point out the failure rates of various methods."
Mr. Ross learned about the riot when a teacher mentioned it to him as a young boy.
This was something else the teachers had mentioned.
The book said a lot of things I didn't know, things my teachers hadn't mentioned.