A theater director who works in the schools as a teaching artist, he said the sessions had made him "more informed on how to watch."
He's an active teaching artist and lecturer in the Chicago community.
The funds mainly are used to pay the teaching artists; at Tilles, for example, they earn about $275 a day for working with five classes.
Tony Carlin, an actor, also participated as a teaching artist in the program.
Her sensitivity and ability to listen make her a valuable teaching artist.
Rachel Wineberg, a teaching artist, led kindergartners in acting out poetry.
Workshops are taught by the institute's 140 teaching artists - active, primarily young, arts practitioners whom the institute trains.
Teachers work with the teaching artists to formulate preparatory activities for students.
At one time there were forty teaching artists as consultants.
"Get up," Alicia Tully, one of the teaching artists, told the students.