The policy, considered the first of its type in the nation, does not authorize the teaching of intelligent design.
The letter was sent prior to the Kansas evolution hearings as an argument against the teaching of intelligent design in biology classes.
The focus of the undergraduate course is the teaching of architectural design through studio-based projects.
He says that those opposed to the teaching of intelligent design "don't think they can win in the court of public opinion on the issue."
They prevailed, however, in Kansas, where the school board changed the definition of science to accommodate the teaching of intelligent design.
He also is against the teaching of intelligent design as science, but supports teaching theology.
Critics of Kansas' standards note that they promote the teaching of intelligent design.
The Institute opened in 1989 and is designed and equipped solely for the teaching of industrial design.
Storms has had a key role in a bill promoting the teaching of intelligent design in public school science classrooms.
The place for the teaching of intelligent design in public schools is in a comparative religion class.