This is usually a small group, of around 3 to 15 people, who work as a team to accomplish their goals.
The team could accomplish that by returning from each mission the same day they left, no matter how long the missions took in the past.
But in terms of public awareness, the team accomplished little.
The other nine teams in that category accomplished their achievement before the 1947 season.
We don't want to go home and have people say this team didn't accomplish what it should've accomplished.
Players work as a team to accomplish the objectives of a chosen game mode.
Our team had accomplished a lot in the last four years under extreme duress.
The boy's team accomplished a legendary undefeated season in 2010-2011.
Williams said he was not surprised by what his 30-4 team had accomplished.
"I am so proud of what this team has accomplished," he said.