While the game's scope allows team battles of up to 1000 players per side.
There are three different situations that fall under this category: raid taking, raiding another player, and team battles.
Free for all or team battles are also of choice during matches using stock or time.
This version has three different types of gameplay, one-on-one, one against three, and team battle.
Brawl, sometimes when not using team battle 2 or more characters would try to attack one character and have one character win.
The two teams from the qualifier will also join to make it a 12 team battle in the quarterfinals.
Every member of their team battle against another member from their team.
This game also allowed for team battles to take place.
A team battle seems to line up with what people like about the Olympics.
This game has a new feature: the ability to call on your teammate in team battle to help.